The relationship between pages/_app.js and pages/index.js in a Next.js
The relationship between pages/_app.js and pages/index.js in a Next.js application is foundational to how Next.js handles page rendering and application structure. Here's an overview of their roles and interplay: pages/_app.js - The Custom App Component : This is a special file in Next.js that allows you to override the default App component used by Next.js. It's the top-level component that gets executed for every page visit. It's useful for implementing application-wide page layouts or injecting additional data into pages. Whatever you include in _app.js (like global CSS, layout components, context providers) is accessible in every page of your application. It receives a Component prop, which is the active page being rendered (e.g., the content of pages/index.js or any other page), and pageProps , which are props specific to each page. pages/index.js - A Page Component : This file represents the homepage of your Next.js application. It's what gets rendered when...