What is MERN?
1. Introduction MERN stands for MongoDB, Express, React, and Node. 2. Big Picture for the MERN Architecture Client (Browser) : ReactJS : Responsible for presentation and the user interface. NodeJS & Express : Server-side responsible for business logic and file storage. The server side and client side communicate with requests and responses in JSON format. Database : MongoDB : Responsible for persistent data storage. NodeJS & Express communicate with MongoDB through database queries using the MongoDB SDK. 3. Diving into Client Side React single-page application is served from the server to the browser. React handles rendering everything in the browser. React manages frontend or client-side routing with an extra library, react-router-dom . react-router-dom helps render different React components based on the path the user enters into the URL bar of the browser. The React application typically handles some front-end state that influences what is shown on t...