
Showing posts with the label MERN/react

React.js - A Refresher

 1. What is React? It's a Javascript library for building user interfaces that are shown in the browser It's a browser side Javascript library running in browser It started a huge ecosystem with other third-party packages forming a framwork We use it to build the frontend of web applications React does not run on a server, React does not communicate with databases React build highly reactive modern user interfaces and do so by following a declarative approach(you define the results, not the steps that lead to the result) React using components which are UI building blocks we can define, then we compose our user interface from these components Every component also define what it should render, under which circumstance 2. React Component React component can be one of two things, it can be a Javascript function which returns jsx or it can be a Javascript class that has a render method Custom components can be used as jsx( JavaScript XML ) as well,  they should start with a capital