
Showing posts with the label MERN/express

Node.js & Express.js - A Refresher

 1. What is Node.js? Like Browser is one host environment of that Javascript of frontend, Node.js is a host environment for Javascript of backend Chrome's Javascript engines V8  has all been cloned and is now maintained as a standalone project working without a browser and enriched with some extra APIs that is basically Node.js, it allows us to run Javascript outside of the browser Compare to V8, Node.js dropped some APIs(e.g. DOM API), and added some APIs(e.g. Filesystem) 2. A Simple Node.js Code Node.js code are just normal javascript code with extra node  api In Node.js runtime environment, there are a few globally function (e.g., require) Between different Node.js module (javascript file), we can transfer object through require and export A simple Node.js Code: const fs = require("fs"); const userName = "Light"; fs.writeFile("./user-data.txt", "Name: " + userName, (error) => { if (error) { console.log(error); return; } ...